今年的john locke论文竞赛截稿日已经一天比一天近啦,大家的进度到哪里了?在上一次的文章里,我们从正面的角度教了大家一些写作技巧(点击查看),今天我们就换个角度,聊聊论文写作的禁忌事项。
john locke论文竞赛抄袭查得有多严?
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is presenting the work or ideas of another person, with or without their consent, as your own. It can apply to published and unpublished material,and may be intentional or inadvertent.
Why is it regarded so seriously in academia?
Passing offsomeone else’s efforts and achievements as your own is not only a professional and academic discourtesy; it is a kind of theft.If you use plagiarism to submit an essay to theJohn Locke Institute, you are not only stealing from the originator of the work you are claiming as your own; you are trying to steal hard-won recognition from the other contestants.
john locke论文竞赛怎么查抄袭?
What does the John Locke Institute do to prevent plagiarism?
We use a number of different kinds of tools to detect plagiarism.We can detect the unacknowledged use of other
published material and unpublished material.lfany of your essay contains plagiarism you will not be eligible to receive a prize, and we will notify your school of the reasons for our judgment.
大学一般采用turnitin等数据库来查重学生提交的论文材料,John Locke 组委会尚未在官网中公布他们检测抄袭的方式。
What should I do?
Generally, of course, almost all your essay should be entirely your own work.But if you refer to the work ofothers, even if you are loosely paraphrasing others work you must acknowledge explicitly which sources you are drawing on and which of their ideas or words you are including in your essay.
所以参加john locke论文竞赛的小伙伴要记得,正确引用别人的成果,就算是paraphrase也要引用规范!明确标注你的论文中所引用的信息来源,并按照正确的格式。
☑Harvard, generally used in the UK for Social Sciences and Business.
☑MLA is similar to Harvard but more common in the US for the Arts and Humanities.
☑APA is widely used in the US in the Social Sciences.
☑Vancouver is commonly employed in Medicine and Science.
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