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Question 1  B

Important to recognise tone over content. But…. Means something they disagree with. So ... following this suggests an argument they agree with.

B is the correct answer.

A is a fact, C is not stated in the paragraph,D is not mentioned, E is irrelevant



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Question 2  D

Let B be number of boys and G be number of girls

B + G = 24

3G + ⅓ B = 24

3G + ⅓ (24-G) = 24

3G + 8 - ⅓ G = 24

2 ⅔ G = 16

G = 6 B = 18 D


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Question 3  E

TWO conditions. The result from X BUT condition. BECAUSE NO condition, Y even though Result is worse.

E has 2 conditions. One with the worse result that they ended up choosing


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Question 4  D

Reliably drawn as a conclusion means to find a fact from the passage and D is the only one that is reasonable. A is too aggressive as it does not mention a persuasive argument in the passage.



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Question 5  B

If this was not true, the entire argument would break down.


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Question 6  D

Previously 400 Water 100 Concentrate

Now 320 Water 80 Concentrate.

Add 100 Concentrate.

100+80 = 180,  180/500 = 36% which is D


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Question 7  C

Looking only at professionals (column 4)

2017 44 - 65 = -21

2016 45 - 67 = -22

2015 44 - 68 = -24

2014 55 - 50 = 5

2013 59 - 51 = 8

Largest negative is -24, therefore 2015 C


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Question 8  C

Has to start with 14, and the minutes show 57,therefore, 3 PM C


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Question 9  E

The argument is shooting is a positive for rural economies and is also necessary for conservation efforts. The only one that shows shooting is not the ‘necessary’ condition, would be re-introducing top predators E



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Question 10  D

The argument is the writer took her daughter out every year and she achieved top grades in the end, therefore, the law is quite unnecessary

However, this is one case. D

A - tradition is not mentioned

B - not enough support to explain the law

C - This is not assumed

E - It does not assume this as it mentions top grades and degree in maths


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Question 11  E

All the reasons given explain E (This idea is flawed for several reasons)



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Question 12  D

Only one over 50% occurs in 2014 - 2015 D


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Question 13  D

A - 54 / 2 = 27 but every fifth roll is free so buy 23 rolls and receive 4 free. 23 * 25 = 575

B - 54 / 3 = 18, 18*35 = 630 - 63 (discount) =567

C - 54 / 3 = 18, 18*40 = 720 - 144(discount)  = 576

D - 54 / 4 = 13.5 so 14. 14*50 = 700 * 0.75 =525

E - 54 / 5 = 10.8 so 11 where 5 are free.6*100 = 600

D is cheapest


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Question 14  C

I literally counted out

The first block would go up to 32

The second block starts on 33 and the middle pieces would be 48 and 49. As it’s always a multiple of the number of sheets C


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Question 15  C

The drawn conclusion is something not provided in the passage.

The passage explains how the Nobel Prize makes it feel that Economics is a science but explains the flaws behind this argument. The answer is C.



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Question 16  B

Using the opposite 'drivers are not able to recognize when they are dangerously tired', the argument breaks down as it would not be 'entirely preventable' - B

Other solutions are either too specific D or not as relevant.


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Question 17  B

The argument says lifestyle changes have caused rickets which diet will not solve.

B completely weakens this argument as it suggests even with our bad lifestyles Vitamin D deficiency can be easily solved.


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Question 18  B

4 have 22 each

These 4 have 19 each after giving away 3.

Youngest gets 12 from the others.

19 - 12 = 7 B



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Question 19  D

Missed 2 consecutive training sessions more than twice means Graham is excluded

David (missed 3 penalties), Colin (missed 4penalties).

Out of the remaining, Mike has scored the most goals D



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Question 20  B

Visualize and fold, 2 and 3 work B.



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Question 21  A

The fact that there are additional issues to mobile phones does not mean the previous rationale becomes untrue.


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Question 22  B

Condition. As not met condition, no result

B is the only one that matches this reasoning.


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Question 23  E

The principle is always the big moral reasoning, in this case, things are bad when they make people feel envious and worthless. 


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Question 24  D

2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 5, 6 those are number of segments required per number from 1 to 0

Therefore we should use 8s and 0s where possible.

08:08 would be 6+7+6+7 = 26 which is D.



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Question 25  D

Firstly look at the first choice votes and dosome maths, there’s no way they’ll make you do this much maths so round up tothe nearest thousand… (unless the top choices seem very close then do additional maths)

38+23+27+29+1= 118 Sam

37+32+25+28+1= 123 Val

35+26+30+25+1= 117 Kim

38+28+30+25+1= 122 Pat

23+20+43+31+1= 118 Jo

Sam and Val are potential winners. We then have to add together all second choice votes of eliminated candidates to each case.

Sam, Kim, Jo who voted for Pat = 27+30+31= 88 whereas

Sam, Kim, Jo who voted for Val = 38+26+20= 82

Pat has a lot more and they have similar first-place votes, therefore, Pat wins D.


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Question 26  E

Amy sees a stack of boxes that are 7 high which means Ben must see the same from either the middle or right column. In the case of E, there is no 7 in either middle or right column.


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Question 27  D

Says very clearly, the solution is …. Then provides reasoning. Therefore, the answer is D.



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Question 28  A

This passage shows a dilemma that a Prime Minister may have but then says that acting with integrity will help you remainin power. Therefore, It is in the PM’s electoral interests to err on the sideof sacking A.


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Question 29  A

If A is not true, then there is no need for the librarian’s actions.


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Question 30  C

2 9P + 8 14P = 18 + 112 = 130 which gives you1 20p which follows all the conditions in the question. 2 + 8 + 1 = 11 C.



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Question 31  E

The cheapest book that covers 1900 - 1950 is the first book which is £45

After the discount, the £60 is too expensive(£48) but the £50 (40) works. This gives 5 pounds left over E.



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Question 32  E

E is the only one that can’t be built. The right object has a corner missing on the bottom-right, which is filled in E.Try segment the shapes in the options.


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Question 33  C

A recent study suggests that less than 7 is needed to maximise health, but not many people meet this already, which means there is little to be gained. Then some reasons are provided. 



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Question 34  C

Two years ago something was introduced but itis only now that the number of recipients has fallen. It seems flawed to directly assign this as the reason for the result C.



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Question 35  D

Always look at the tone over content. It says yet many…. Which suggests that there are limitations to what Shakespe are hasdone. At the same time, there are 4 plays where he was great - D based on the passage’s definition of greatness.



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Question 36  B

Calculate individual profits.

Crayon - 4p - 10p - 6p (*180 = 1080)

Felt tips - 6p - 12p - 6p (*150 = 900)

Pencils - 2p - 6p - 4p (*200 = 800)

Pens - 3p - 15p - 12p (*150 = 1800)

Rules - 5p - 30p - 25p (*40 = 1000)   B is correct answer.



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Question 37  A

3*5 = 15 A, money being inserted does no taffect the working of the photograph booth.


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Question 38  B

Topfield and Longwood have same 634 ending butLongwood is more ‘Right’ so, therefore, must be W (B)


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Question 39  A

B is too definitive, A suggests what the passage talks about - new things that should be added and that there are current risks (safer than).

Always be wary of extremes (will not happen).



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Question 40  E

It combines the terms, reciting with appreciation. Therefore an assumption must be in place otherwise this is not right. 

· 41·

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Question 41  C

An extended period of time is used as the argument C goes against this.



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Question 42  E

1X, 2X, 3X can be mixed around. But you mustuse 5-9 and also the 0.

Shortest is 8, 9, 15, 26, 37, 40  (5 , 6, 7 order do not matter) E



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Question 43  C

8 Hour ticket will cost £6.20

The cheapest hourly rates are for 3 hours.Therefore, 2 * 3 hours and 1 2 hour is the cheapest - 1.70 + 1.70 + 1.20 = 4.60



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Question 44  D

4 and 1 are only possible with 2 triangles going in the same direction.

4 has the top part in the right direction.


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Question 45  D

Charities therefore effectively perpetuate the problem and we should not give to charities as it is immoral (D) It’s important to go past what is the ‘fact’ but think of what is the persuasive argument which would require a ‘so what?’ from a reader if you were to use the conclusion by itself.



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Question 46  D

Only P if Q. You have a P, therefore, you must have the Q D



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Question 47  A

The last line states very clearly that these prisoners should be treated the same as regular workers - hence A.



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Question 48  D

15KM at 60KM/HR is 15 minutes

5 Hours

Then finally, 20KM at 40KM/HR which is 30 minutes.

Total journey was 5 hours 45 minutes. Which means it started at D


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Question 49  C

The depth of at least 40cm means we can use the 30CM option. Use 2 4M and 1 2M which gives 9.30 + 9.30 + 4.95 = 23.55 C


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Question 50  C

Draw each one out using 1,2,3,4,5,6 forboth sides and reversing the right-hand side and C is the only one where the picture does not become symmetrical. Alternatively, think of each diagonal quadrant and C is only one where diagonals are extremely different.




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