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宁波诺德安达开学第一天 First Day of the New School Year at NAS Ningbo




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当沈校长和我问到老师们: “你们对开学第一天的印象如何?” 。

我们的表演艺术项目总监Mr. Foster说: “看到这么多快乐的面孔,让我内心充满幸福。”

“激动不已!” 我们的小学老师Perryman兴奋地说。

我们的班主任老师Mr. Motyka表示 “这是他和孩子们新旅程的开始。”

吴老师感慨道: “这是非常令人兴奋和忙碌的一天。”


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NAS Ningbo

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First Year

After a year of preparation, September 3, the first day of school for NAS Ningbo Fenghua, has finally arrived. We first welcomed our boarding students Sunday evening. Our dedicated boarding staff ensured that all boarding students settled comfortably into their rooms and prepared them well for their first night away from home. At breakfast time, all students seemed so well-adjusted in their new environment and ready to await the arrival of new friends!

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Shortly after 8 am, we started to welcome our day students. Suddenly, the cafeteria was full of eager boys and girls, dressed very smartly in their school uniform and ready to start a new journey. And what a delight it was to see happy faces as our students started forming friendships before registration started. Though it is natural for a child to be nervous when starting a new school, We must say that we were so inspired by the students’ laughter and smiles. Our teachers play an important role in creating happy feelings among students. 

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Our teachers and boarding staff's  welcoming smile and caring manner made each child feel safe and noticed, and this will develop confidence. By creating a positive and supportive environment for learning, our staff will actively model how they would like children to behave. We are confident we are off to a great start. 

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The pictures capture this wonderful spirit as do the quotes from teachers below. Serena and I asked some teachers, “what are your impressions of the first day of school?” and here are their answers.


Mr. Foster: “Lots of happiness, lots of happy faces.”

Mr. Perryman: “Excitement!”

Mr. Motyka: “This is the beginning of a new journey.”

Ms. Wu: “ A very exciting and busy day.”

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Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us.  It is going to be a great year!







Chris Chen



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