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【升学指导】你说的fit是什么fit?对话耶鲁、布朗、爱默生招生官 | 2020 University Outreach



 2020 University Outreach

Rafael Katz


 【升学指导】你说的fit是什么fit?对话耶鲁、布朗、爱默生招生官 | 2020 University Outreach图片_1

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For college counselors, the summer is a time for college outreach. In normal times, conferences and tours are a good way to connect with colleges and admissions officers in the summer. This is an important part of our job because it allows us to build relationships with the universities our students like to apply to, it increases our professional knowledge, and it gives us a chance to promote our school and our students to top colleges. Like many things, the corona virus has changed our ability to do this. 


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Now, much of the university outreach is online. I recently have been working online with admissions officers from three colleges; Yale, Brown, and Emerson. We are members of a panel discussion for the July IACAC conference. IACAC is the biggest international university and college counselor organization in the world. They hold a yearly conference, which is a networking opportunity for high school counselors and university admissions officers. This year it will be online. As the four panelists for a conference session, we have been having some interesting conversations about how students can successfully apply to highly selective universities.


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Misperceptions, Misconceptions, and Missed Opportunities


Helping students use the application process as a learning opportunity.


In our discussions, we have been united in the belief that as adults and educators, we need to create an education system that helps students grow and learn through the college application process. Ideally, students benefit from  the application process as it teaches them to understand themselves better and gives them an opportunity to learn how to effectively communicate who they are to the outside world.



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Do you have to be perfect to get into Yale?


John Yi, Associate Director of Admissions, and head of China admissions for Yale, says students often have a misconception about what student Yale is looking for. They treat the application like a series of boxes to check off.  

耶鲁大学中国地区招生主任John Yi说,人们常常对耶鲁想要什么样的学生有错误的认知,他们以为招生是一张任务清单,招生官在候选人的每一项条件上打勾。

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Yale, like most top universities, is not looking for and doesn’t expect perfection. They often reject students with perfect SAT scores and perfect GPAs. John mentioned that a Yale student has to be strong academically, so that they can thrive in the rigorous intellectual environment of Yale, but along with that, Yale is interested in who the student is and what their attitude is towards life and learning. They want to know what the student will contribute to the Yale community beyond academics.



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Who is a good `fit’ for Brown?


Panetha Ott, Director of Admissions and International Recruitment at Brown, had an interesting response when I was talking about how I question the concept of `fit’. I was explaining that in China, like many countries, your university is mostly determined by a test score. You will go to the best ranked university that your Gaokao score allows.

当我询问何为“匹配(fit)”这个概念时,布朗大学国际招生主任Panetha Ott给出了一个有趣的回答。我向她解释在中国和很多其他国家,学生能上哪所大学主要取决于考试分数,你一般会就读你的高考分数所能达到的排名最高的大学。

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I also mentioned that we have students that have gotten into a variety of very different top universities, and it sometimes seems like universities are all looking for the same student, despite how they emphasize their unique qualities. Panetha mentioned that students and counselors like myself should keep in mind that to universities `fit’ is not solely determined by the student but also by the university and what they want as they are building a cohort of students each year. Universities like Brown think about the personal qualities that students will bring to campus life. They want a diverse student body as opposed to a certain kind of student.



Is luck the key factor when getting into a highly selective university?


John and Panetha cautioned me that emphasizing luck doesn’t give a fair representation of the application process. They both pointed to the careful thought and consideration that they put into each student selected. No random luck is involved. They know and appreciate many of the students they reject. There are internal university factors which affect which students they pick each year. No matter how wonderful any student is, there are considerations for the selection process that are not in the student’s control. The best thing a student can do is represent themselves positively and honestly. That will give them the best chance of being selected.


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Why do top students get rejected from Emerson?


Emerson is a small, unique liberal arts college in the heart of Boston which is highly regarded for their theater, film, and communications programs. Overall, they are not highly selective but Frederick Osborne, Associate Director of Admissions, cautions that if an excellent student doesn’t make a compelling case for how they would take advantage of an Emerson education, they can get rejected. To emphasize this point, Frederick pointed out that the admission rate while normally in the 40% range,  is only 6% for students who apply `undecided’. They want students that know what they want from Emerson.


【升学指导】你说的fit是什么fit?对话耶鲁、布朗、爱默生招生官 | 2020 University Outreach图片_4095

爱默生学院位于波士顿腹地,是一个小而精的文理学院,以戏剧、电影、公共关系专业而闻名。总体来说,他们的录取并不严苛。然而,爱默生的招生副主任Fredrick Osborne告诉我们,如果一个优秀学生的申请无法令人信服,不能明确说出想从爱默生学院的教育中获得什么,他们会被拒。为了证明这点,Fredrick指出爱默生学院的录取率为40%,其中只有6%的学生没有决定专业,学校希望学生清楚自己想要什么

Last Year’s IACAC Conference Panel Discussion:


Last year I headed a panel with Johns Hopkins, University of Cambridge, University of British Columbia and UCLA. Promoting QD’s excellent IB program is an ongoing goal for QD college counselors. With that in mind our panel topic was: AP, IB, A-LEVEL, NATIONAL CURRICULUM:  ARE ALL HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULA CREATED EQUAL? The discussion was around how universities fairly select students who come from so many different kinds of high schools with different curricula. QD students work so hard to earn their IB diplomas, we want to be sure that all university AO’s appreciate that fact. In the end, our students, who have been doing wonderfully in the universities they are attending, make the best argument for the quality of a QD education.



Final Advice: What gives you the best chance of getting into a highly selective university?


Be yourself. Beyond having excellent grades, you need to use your interviews and essays to show your real voice.  Students get off track and add stress to themselves in the application process when they try to guess what a university wants and then try to be the person they think the university wants. Be the best you that you can be and hope that the university is looking for someone with your interests and abilities.





Stephy Tian



· 是上海较早一批就读A-level的学生,以A*AA的成绩毕业于上师大剑桥国际中心(现领科国际学校)

· 田老师从2017年开始全职加入国际教育行业

· 先后参加Edexcel以及CAIE的官方培训

· 熟悉各个考试局考纲,结合历年的考试缩小考试范围,根据不同考试局整理相关高频考察点,善于在教学中培养学生的化学思维
