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Science and technology connects and expands possibilities!

PYP Exhibition,即学习成果展。在尚德国际部小学项目的(PYP)最后一年,所有学生都必须参与最后的学习成果展。学习成果展要求学生运用在PYP阶段所学到的全部知识和技能,围绕一个中心思想,以学生为主导进行超学科主题探究,并提出解决现实生活问题的方案。

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Theme and central idea 

We decided as a class to choose How The World Works(世界如何运作)as our transdisciplinary theme for our inaugural Grade 5 exhibition. We felt as a class this would give us more scope to explore and research an area that particularly interests us and it was also a chance to incorporate elements of how scientific and technological advances on society impact on the environment that we live in.
With that in mind our central idea was:
Understanding that science is constantly evolving and impacting people’s  lives.

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This central idea gave us the opportunity to investigate lots of different aspects of technology and science and it also provided a platform to dig deeper into elements of technology that we already had a base understanding of. It was also an idea that was multi-faceted which enabled our class to explore different topics and lines of inquiry whilst also providing areas for change and taking action.

Our groups and topics 
Deciding groups and specific topics was always going to be a joint process. Teachers and students made a list of different types of evolving technology or science that particularly interested them. Our long list was then debated and discussed together to enable us to decide topics that we felt were particularly appropriate for our research and investigation and also to gauge which students felt particularly strongly about which topics.
Our final six topics were:
人工智能小组(Artificial Intelligence) – How can AI benefit our daily life?

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电子产品回收小组(Recycling of Electronic Products) – Why isn’t e- recycling as popular as it should be and how can we help?

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3D打印小组 (3D Print) – How to improve and innovate 3D printing?

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新能源小组 (New Energy) – How can new energy be popularized and developed?

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编程小组(Programming) – Practical uses for programming?

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在线学习小组 (Online learning styles) – Can we develop our own new learning style that will directly benefit our students?

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We felt there was a good balance between pure technological topics as well as potential environmental issues and community projects with all six having scientific roots. Students also thought that there were sufficient local and global issues that were relevant to our community and each theme would provide a chance to make a change to our society in a small way.

Mentors and experts 


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The inquiry process 


——新能源小组 张熙宸 Jack Zhang

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——3D打印小组 李浩谦 Charles Li

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——电子产品回收小组 姜天阔 Sky

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——人工智能小组 邹志汇 Jerry

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——在线学习小组 胡城玮 Juan

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——编程小组 毕焕然 Charles Bi

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Feelings and reflection

Our PYP exhibition has been fully encompassing, demanding, exciting, challenging, engaging and fun! It has been overwhelming in terms of the expertise that we have been able to tap into and also how generous everyone involved has been with their time. Students and mentors have shared some of their feelings about the process so far:

Being a mentor, a helper and a promoter of student inquiry has been an enjoyable experience. What’s more, during the experience, I have found that everyone can change the world – even Grade 5 students!
奚华Summer Xi – PYP Librarian

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The Grade 5 students have displayed great excitement and understanding towards their central idea. I have been impressed with their maturity throughout the different stages of the exhibition planning and have enjoyed the opportunity to learn from them.

Paul Taiani – English Homeroom Teacher

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I have learnt that AI can help many people with many things and I also feel that the inquiry process has helped our group decide how we can help.     

 薛智元Leo – Artificial Intelligence

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I have really enjoyed the teamwork that our group has shown. We have worked together make a robot and a Scratch program.                 

 刘宇Lucas – Programming

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Sue Pang


牛津大学圣埃德蒙学院 经济与管理学士学位&LSE硕士

· 2011-2014 牛津圣埃德蒙学院经济与管理本科 2:1学位

· 2015-2016 伦敦政治经济学院经济与管理硕士 Merit

· 新加坡A-level体系(Raffles),高中曾参加过各类别标化考试:TOEFL 118, AP 4科五分,SAT1 2200, SAT2 2400

· 曾在Royal Bank of Scotland, Goldman Sachs投行部实习经历; 伦敦Fine Arts College教授A-level经济一年
