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老师,您好Meet Our Teachers-Andrew Biggar中学部人文社科老师

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Meet Our Teacher

老师,您好Meet Our Teachers-Andrew Biggar中学部人文社科老师图片_3


Secondary Humanities Teacher 

Andrew Biggar

Andrew Biggar是一位积极向上的老师,他对教育充满着热情,并能够帮助学生充分发挥其潜力。 他以学生为中心从而去开展基于探究的活动来培养学生的批判性思维和好奇心。 从麦吉尔大学毕业后,Andrew老师在韩国任教一年,然后移居到了中国,在过去的六年中,他分别在苏州和上海任教。 他拥有着非常丰富的经验,同时教授英国高中课程(A-Level)和大学预修课(Advanced Placement)课程,目前在上海中学国际部教授历史。

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Mr. Andrew Biggar is a motivated teacher who is passionate about education and helping students reach their full potential. He uses student-centered and inquiry-based activities to foster critical thinking and curiosity in his students. Having graduated from the University of McGill, Andrew spent one year teaching in South Korea before moving to China where he has taught for the past 6 years in both Suzhou and Shanghai. He has experience teaching both A-Levels and Advanced Placement curriculum, and is currently teaching history at Shanghai High School International Division.

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“Why do you want to work in NAS Jiaxing”


此外,我很高兴加入一所提供IB课程的学校。 过去,我曾经教授A-levels和Advanced Placement课程,但是我认为IB具有更全面的教学模式和方法,可以帮助学生发展更广泛的能力,从而更好地为高等教育和生活做好准备。

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I consider it a great opportunity to be working in NAS Jiaxing as it is a well-respected organization with many resources at their disposal to support not only the learning environment they strive to achieve for their students, but also the professional development of their teachers.

Though it is a lot of work helping to start a new school, from my own personal experience I can honestly say that it is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in my whole teaching career. As a member of the initial faculty, this provides you with the chance to play an active role in establishing the school culture and community.



“What is your understanding of bilingual education?”


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Having worked in a bilingual system before, I have seen a number of advantages that such a system provides. In a bilingual system, I have found that students are given the support needed to ensure their academic success, as certain difficult concepts can be explained in their mother tongue which does not require the instructors to slow the pace of instruction. Furthermore, learners have the opportunity to practice their English with native speakers as well as non-native speakers, who have a good understanding of the language and the issues some students may struggle with trying to learn new language.



“What do you plan to bring to NAS Jiaxing?”

自2012年以来,我一直都在教书,并且在中国工作了6年。 我希望利用自己的经验和技能在课堂上营造一个积极的学习环境,为我的学生提供他们在学业上所需要的支持。



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I have been teaching since 2012 and have been in China for the past 6 years. I hope to use my experiences and skills to build a positive learning environment in my classroom and provide my students with the support they need to achieve academically.

Furthermore, I am passionate about history and hope to instill this passion in my students by establishing an after-school history club. 

In addition, I am interested in establishing a Model UN program at our school as it gives students a chance to tackle some contemporary issues and better prepares them to be active global citizens in the future.



“What made you decided to move to China? What is your best experience about studying/ working/ travelling abroad?”

作为一名历史老师,我一直对中国的悠久历史以及在各个世纪以来所取得的成就深感兴趣。 通过来中国教书,我感到这将使我有机会学习更多关于中国文化和知识。


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As a history teacher, I was always intrigued by China’s long history and their various achievements throughout the ages. By coming to teach in China, I felt this would give me the opportunity to learn more about Chinese culture.

My best experience working abroad was when I helped coach a group of students for the British English Olympics, a competition held yearly in London. Though we needed to put in many hours of hard work, we eventually qualified for the final round as the first team from a Chinese school to attend the competition. We did not win in the end, but it was an unforgettable experience and one that I will always cherish.

联系我们  Contact  us

招生老师 Admissions:

王老师 Shelley:189 6734 1988

费老师 Fay:189 0583 8246

涂老师 Lora:189 0683 0011

邮箱 Email:info.jiaxing@nasjiaxing.cn

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Elaine Xu






