课程咨询热线 400-825-6055

今夏新品“科学微课堂” | 尚德融合部IBDP Group 4科学展



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On June 10th, grade 11 IBDP students completed the 2020 Group 4 Project.  The Group 4 Projects is a required activity for all IBDP students to promote collaboration between different scientific disciplines.

今年我们把服务学习(service learning)融合到科学展中并要求学生将成果以一节互动课的形式展现给融合部的小学生,要特别考虑低龄学生对课程内容和选题的接受度。每组还需要设计一个反馈表来反思提升自己的授课技能。通过反馈表的情况以及现场的热烈气氛,我们发现PYP的学生非常喜欢这样特殊的课堂尝试。在这个过程中,十一年级学生也体验到了分享知识的快乐。

This year, we decided to incorporate the school’s new service learning initiative into the Group 4 Project by having the Grade 11 students prepare interactive lessons for the Primary Years Program (PYP) students.  All the presentations were of a high quality and were enjoyed by all the students . 

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Some topics from the presentations

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How to enable the fingerprint to appear by using silver nitrate? 

Our topic is about enabling fingerprint to appear by using silver nitrate. Firstly, we press a fingerprint on paper. Secondly, we spray silver nitrate solution to the fingerprint. Thirdly, the silver chloride precipitate on paper is exposed to ultraviolet light, it can decompose to element silver which is black. Then we can observe the shape of the fingerprint by the black color. 

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How to make artificial snow and the theory?

Our experiment is about artificial snow. We simply mixed sodium polyacrylate with water in a certain ratio. After the chemical reaction, the white powder may form into crystals. By using this method, many winter Olympics games and ski resorts use this artificial snow widely.  For our presentation, we choose to demonstrate this process through the PowerPoint by introducing the theory and usage of artificial snow.

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Basic knowledge about the science of lightning

We would provide a 20-minute lesson for PYP students and explaining the theory and the basic knowledge of chemistry, biology and physics behind lightning. As for Physic, we would talk about the formation of lightning, phenomenon (like, sound and light); as for Biology, we would talk about lighting (forest fire) and biodiversity; as for Chemical, we would talk about the fertilizer.

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The oxidation reaction of lemon juice when it is absorbed by paper

Our project is about using lemon juice to write down messages on A4 paper, due to the chemical properties of lemon juice, the words written will disappear and reappear when heat added. The form we choose is a 20-minute-lesson for PYP students and shows the entire process in the classroom. Considering safety, we will divide students into five to six groups, and we will operate all the heating process, and PYP students could attend in the writing process. 

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The manufacturing principle of compressed food and its chemical reactions in the body after consumption

Our group's project is based on the scientific knowledge about compressed biscuits. These include production principles (physics), food calories (chemistry), and digestion(biology). First, we reveal the high-calorie nature of compressed biscuits by a simple combustion experiment. Secondly, with the introduction and explanation, these help the children to have better understanding of our topic.

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How the photosynthetic reaction of plants is affected by various concentrations of chemicals and light intensity?

Our group mainly introduces the biological knowledge - plant photosynthesis, firstly we introduced to the children the role of carbon dioxide, harm and solutions. Then we explained in detail how photosynthesis works in plants.

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Teachers' comments

At the end of last semester, Shangde opened our fantastic newly upgraded science building, but then the virus happened and we could not use them during the online teaching phase.  Our DP students adapted to using online simulated experiments and one Grade 12 student even submitted his final experimental report based on a simulation, which scored well.  Since returning to regular classes in May, we have slowly started to use the laboratories.  In Physics, we have done experiments on resistivity, gas laws, acceleration and simple harmonic motion, all using the newly purchased PASCO datalogging equipment.  This is helping prepare our Grade 11 students for their own individual Physics experiment which will we do early next semester.           

 ——  融合部物理老师 David

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During the presentations, Grade 11 students had showed their excellence in insistence, caring, communication, inquiring and creativity. Moreover, since the audiences are PYP students who have not gotten enough scientific training, many Grade 11 students found that it was not easy to coach elementary students using high school knowledge. However, they got their reflections promptly and changed their presentation style in the way that suits for elementary students. Overall Grade 11 students have carried out wonderful G4 projects. Besides science excellence, they also learned to care and influence other people, as indicated in IB Learner Profile.

——  融合部生物老师 潘涛博士

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   ——  融合部化学老师俞雪

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Students' reflection

In this G4 project, we combined the mechanism of physical, chemical and biological parts to explain the principles in running. In this process, I improved my skills of exploring unknown knowledge, communicating skills and thinking skills. When we encounter difficulties, such as an imprecise knowledge base, we discuss the solution carefully and refine our ideas. In addition, we carefully controlled the dosage and time to ensure the accuracy of the conclusion. In this process, I have acquired some experimental skills, but I still need to make the conclusion more precise and concise.                   

 ——11C Cecilia

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In this G4 project, I am responsible for lecturing some basic concepts of acid and base to the PYP students. In this process, I improved my collaboration skills because this group is made up of students from all subjects in Group 4. In that way, everyone needs to make a contribution to the group and communicate with each other to solve the problems. In addition, this project also enhanced my knowledge application ability. It’s easy to learn knowledge in class, but how to teach others and how to apply it to explain some real-life situation is a good question to consider.  

——11B  Armor



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Frances Zhu



· Alevel取得A*A*AA的好成绩

· 大二期间就进入复旦大学先进材料实验室协助博士生进行纳米材料的课题研究

· 研究生期间利用Linux进行分子动力学模拟

· Frances老师开朗耐心,除了在学习成绩上给学生们提供帮助外,善于和学生成为朋友,敞开心扉的了解学生的内心,解决学生的心理障碍
