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第二,要坚持奋斗。要牢记“勤奋 博学 进取 争先”的枫叶校训,坚定目标、珍惜机遇、抵制诱惑、精于学业、勇于挑战、敢于争先,枫叶期待你们捷报频传。



Speech at the 2020 high school graduation ceremony of Maple Leaf International School-Shanghai

Dear leaders, parents, friends, teachers and students:

Good afternoon!

First of all, I would like to give my warm welcome to all the leaders, parents and media friends who have been here at the high school graduation ceremony today. Here to congratulate all the graduates who have successfully completed their high school education, and our sincerely special thanks to all the Chinese and foreign teachers who have been conscientious and selfless in their dedication.

2020 is an extraordinary year. We have experienced a new era of severe epidemics. The COVID-19 has taught us a lot. Especially, we have learned the importance of respect, awe, cherish and strive. We have learned the importance of self-discipline and independent thinking. This is a very valuable experience for everyone to go to their world in the future. In the face of a changing, uncertain, complex and unpredictable future, I believe you will be wised and calm.

Maple Leaf International School-Shanghai has established for 7 years. With the support of everyone, we always carry on the service concept of respect, care, guidance and completion. We are committed to cultivating students' bilingual knowledge, thinking skills and familiarity with international affairs becoming Global Citizens .Through the joint efforts of the three parties of the school, family and society, we are here today to share the joy of the 2020 high school students' Graduation Ceremony.

The 166 G12 graduates in our school received more than 500 offers from universities at home and abroad. Among them, 108 students have received offers from top 100 universities, and the enrollment rate was 65%; 92 students received offers from top 50 universities of QS rank, and the rate of acceptance was 55%. 12 students received 15 offers from University College London which is top 10 university in the world. Well done!

Students, you have actively followed Maple Leaf school motto, and achieved the desired results, set an example for the younger students, won a good reputation for your alma mater, gained glorious and prides to your parents, friends and family, and made a solid first step for your successful future.

As you are about to go abroad, I would like to share three tips:

First, we must learn to be grateful. Don't forget the cultivation of our alma mater. Don't forget the efforts of your parents. Don't forget that you are a Chinese. When you are abroad, I hope you will influence the world with positive energies such as Chinese culture and values.Visiting your parents frequently, Dropping by your alma mater, and learning to attribute to your motherland.

Second, we must stick to the resilience. We must bear deeply in mind the Maple Leaf motto of "Striving for Excellence through Hard Work and Comprehensive Learning". We must strengthen our goals, cherish opportunities, resist temptation, study hard, dare to challenge, and dare to compete to be the best.

Third, we must take courage to be accountable. The new crown epidemic is a disaster for mankind. Many overseas countries are still in the outbreak of the epidemic. However, it can cultivate and develop our responsibilities. Whenever and wherever possible, prosperity or adversity, I want you to focus on the world, pay attention to society, respect the rules, believe in science, uphold justice and reject rumors. Be a responsible, decent, courtesy, independent and free citizen of the world!

Finally, I wish all graduates a healthy and happy future. I wish all leaders, friends and parents a happy family and everything goes well! Thank you!





Sally Wang



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·  曾就读英国本土高中,一年内完成三门A-Level全部课程:数学(A*)、高等数学(A*)、物理(A)、化学(A)| 生物(a)

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·  2008—2010年在《胡润百富》杂志上发表:《掌握技巧,主 动学习—英语学习经验谈》、《我的牛津之路》等

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