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晚会以一首激情且富有旋律的《A Million Dream》表演唱燃动全场,志愿者们脆亮动听的嗓音回荡在整个快乐家园的广场上。现场的长者还有居民都被孩子们热情的表演所感染,或摇动身体,或轻声哼唱,或打起节拍,赢得现场阵阵掌声。














When I was a little boy, my grandparents told me the story about the cool party in their memory. Today, we have prepared a special show for them in the community.

At school, we have bilingual Thinkseries curriculum and learner-led conference. Teachers encourage us to share and pass on the outcomes we have gained from learning to the community. So we thought of using music, poetry, dance, drama and other innovative ways to give elders in the community a special gift of growth.

------From the little volunteers

Times change and joy remains the same. As the old saying goes, a good neighbor is a good friend. On Friday 23rd August, "the twilight of summer night" community charity show was held in NEY community. 

This show received great support from Hua Cao town community office, Hua Cao town education committee and NEY foundation. Nearly 30 student volunteers from NACIS actively participated in it.


The spirit of community service starts from "small" and grows from "heart". The hosts and the actors of this show are all student volunteers, and they present in the way of self-editing, self-directing and self-acting. On the evening party, two small hosts from our school brought a lot of expectations and surprises to the audience with their professional and confident hosting style.


The show was lit up with a passionate and melodious performance of "A Million Dream". Volunteers' beautiful voices echoed in the square of the community. The elders and residents were impressed by the children's enthusiastic performance. They shook their bodies, sang softly or made a beat. The performance won applause from all the audience.


Happy stage, wonderful infinite. This new age show came in many forms. The volunteers performed in the form of "shape, expression, strength and rhythm" and everyone enjoyed the Chinese classical dance "lotus garden", "spring boudoir dream"; There were also modern street dances with cool music, and the elegant French ballet "pakita," which was really graceful.


There was a vivid performance of "three mirrors" to tell us that everyone should learn from the gains and losses. Following the trend of The Times, there came the crosstalk "new fashion of garbage sorting", and the mysterious magic show was impressive.


Some student volunteers played Chinese and foreign classics with various instruments, and sang the beautiful world in our hearts and the joy in our childhood memories with beautiful songs.


The wonderful performances were staged one after another. The trendsetter of the new age was versatile. The audience was also deeply impressed by the children's confidence. The new generation is the hope of the future. "The twilight of summer night" Community charity show ended in the happy laughter and warm company.


In order to commemorate the children's hard work and outstanding contributions, NEY foundation awarded each child with "excellent volunteer" honorary certificate. A big thank you to NEY for providing the precious opportunity for the students to participate in the community service show, to show their talents and shine their brilliance, which will become a memorable experience for the students in their growth.


In the new academic year, we welcome more NACIS family members to take part in the voluntary service activities, and contribute the growth gained from the school's innovative programs to the community. We hope the children can become global citizens with love and confidence.


Contact Us

Contact person: Ms. Zhang, Ms. Lu, Ms. Wei, Ms. Li, Ms. Wang

Telephone: +86 21 24038800 ext:4021, 4027, 4019, 4045, 4020

Email: apply@nacis.cn

Address: No.1399 Jinhui Road, Minhang, Shanghai

Website: www.nacisminhang.cn


You want your child to excel. 

So do we.








Qianli Xia



· 2009年取得A-Level 4A(旧版), STEP II, III取得SS

· 2014至今从事宇宙学研究,曾于ApJ,MNRAS发表科研文章

· 2017年至今累计教授学生超50名

· 2018年带出一位剑桥数学系录取,两位牛津数学系录取

· 月授课量超30小时,学生评价其课堂活泼有趣,启发学生独立思考
