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深化合作关系 促进共同发展——记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”


深化合作关系 促进共同发展——记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”图片_1


深化合作关系 促进共同发展——记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”图片_3



记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”

深化合作关系 促进共同发展——记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”图片_7





深化合作关系 促进共同发展——记尚德&盖斯顿校长“云会晤 ”图片_15

北京时间6月19日早上8点,尚德与美国北卡Gaston Day School 的视频会议顺利召开。双方校长就合作事宜及线上线下的教学进展进行了沟通。上海尚德实验学校校长姜晓勇、常务副校长叶翡、融合部校长姚可阶、外事办主任袁斌、美加学部主任肖芳、美加课程协调员汪洋等参与了会议。

At 8 a.m. on June 19, Beijing time, the video conference between Sangde and Gaston Day School in North Carolina has been held successfully. Principles of both sides had a communication to strengthen mutual cooperation and to ensure the online and offline teaching progress. Jiang Xiaoyong, Principle of Shanghai Shangde Experimental School, Ye Fei, Executive Vice Principle, Yao Kejie, Principle of the Integrated Department, Yuan Bin, Head of the Foreign Affairs office, Xiao Fang, Head of the Noble Academy, and Wang Yang, Curriculum Coordinator of the Noble Academy attended the meeting.

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姜校长说:“我们应该增强双方项目的互动性,可以在未来举办更多的线上辅导,线上讲座,相信只有沟通和了解才能相互促进和提高。”盖斯顿学校校长 Dr. Richard Rankin对此表示非常认同,他指出,中美两国是全球最大的经济体,双方的合作会让彼此变得更强大。盖斯顿副校长 Mr. Hobson、升学指导中心主任 Carolyn、国际项目负责人 Peter共同参与了会议。

“Both sides should strive to enhance the interaction on the related projects by holding more online tutorials and lectures in the future. We believe that only communication and mutual understanding can promote and improve each other”, said Principal Jiang in the meeting. Dr. Rankin, Principle of Gaston school, agreed with this. He pointed out that China and the United States are the two largest economies in the world, and the cooperation will make each other stronger. Mr. Hobson, Vice President of Gaston, Carolyn, Director of the Guidance Center for further education, and Peter, Director of the International Program participated in the meeting.

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6月18日晚,美方盖斯顿学校收到了美加学生捐赠的2000只口罩,盖斯顿校长表示非常感动。他说,“每每戴上口罩,都会想到我们尚德的温情。” 尚德学子用切身行动,为“人类命运与共”的理念注名。

姜校长也与Dr. Richard Rankin  分享了自己在防疫期间的工作。自复课以来,姜校长每日清晨6点就已经到校进行巡视,全方位无死角督导防疫工作,保障学生安全。美方校长得知后,表示非常钦佩。

Though separated by mountains and rivers, we share one moon under the same sky. The teachers and students of Shangde are deeply concerned about the epidemic in the United States.On the evening of June 18, Gaston Day School received 2000 masks donated by the teachers and students of Noble Academy. The principal said, “It will remind me of the warmth of Shangde every time I put on my mask. The students of Shangde have annotated the concept of “the common human destiny” with their own actions. 

Principle Jiang also shared his work on epidemic prevention with Dr. Rankin. Since the resumption of classes, he has kept the habit of arriving at school at 6:00 every morning to supervise and guide the epidemic prevention procedures in an all-round way in order to ensure the safety of students. On hearing this, the President of Gaston was amazed and showed his admiration.

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Principle of the Gaston Day School also shared the good news that up to now, none of teachers and students together with their family members have been infected with the coronavirus. In the past six weeks, Gaston teachers have been teaching online, which has proved to be quite successful. They have fully prepared for the resumption of classes in September by increasing the space in classrooms and inventory of essential materials. 




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2020年将是历史性的一年,盖斯顿将迎来第一个云上毕业班级,并完成与尚德第一年的友好合作,这将成为其校史上浓墨重彩的一笔。盖斯顿校长Dr. Richard Rankin表示能够成为尚德合作伙伴实属万分荣幸,并对持续合作、书写新的篇章满怀信心。他说:“盖斯顿的校友中不乏顶尖名校高材生,就读学校包括耶鲁大学,普林斯顿大学,康奈尔大学等,卓越的学术成就宣告了我们项目的成功。参加(盖斯顿&尚德)的合作项目,学生将受益终身。”

The year of 2020 will be a significant year in history. Gaston Day School will have a first virtual graduating class, meanwhile, successfully complete its inaugural year of cooperation with Shangde, which will be historic and add to the rich history.

Dr.Richard Rankin, Principle of Gaston Day School said that it is a great honor to be a partner of Shangde, and he was full of confidence that the further cooperation will serve to write a new chapter in the school history of both sides. He said, “Gaston Day School had alumni that attended schools like Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, University of Pennsylvania, Emory and Vanderbilt University. Students will benefit for life by participating in the cooperative program (Gaston & Shangde)”


Life is a long journey which is full of arduous challenges and warm lights. The epidemic poses a great challenge to overseas study program, but fortunately, we still have such a group of dreamers, who are dedicated and attentive to guide our students on the path to their dreams. Principle Jiang hopes that under the cultivation of Shangde and Gaston courses, every student graduated from Noble Academy will become a knowledgeable, intelligent and decent citizen and Shangde alumnus.

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Shanshan Yu



· 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校经济学本科毕业;

· 大学期间曾在高盛、麦肯锡等多家全球知名公司实习;

· 毕业后放弃了高薪的金融行业工作,投身教育行业;

· 曾在杭州某知名国际教育机构担任数学老师,教学经验丰富;

· 俞老师性格活泼,擅长用有趣的数学小故事吸引学生注意,提高学生对数学的兴趣;
